The new poem makes reference to the feeling off despair and you can anxiety you to grips the newest poet

The new poem makes reference to the feeling off despair and you can anxiety you to grips the newest poet

However, Housman expresses it sentiment wonderfully through the mythical people out of Character and Leander: Leander carry out swimming off to find Champion every night, but knew he would must swim straight back later on:

Out of childhood’s hours We have not already been Once the anyone else were-I have not seen as someone else noticed-I am able to perhaps not offer My passion regarding a familiar spring season- Regarding exact same source You will find maybe not removed My personal sadness-I can perhaps not awaken My heart to glee in one tone- And all of We lov’d-I lov’d alone-

Read More The new poem makes reference to the feeling off despair and you can anxiety you to grips the newest poet