Israel: We’re Going To Create Beit Jala if Shooting Quits. Overseas Minister Shimon Peres, backed by Major Minister Ariel Sharon,

Israel: We’re Going To Create Beit Jala if Shooting Quits. Overseas Minister Shimon Peres, backed by Major Minister Ariel Sharon,

yesterday evening informed Palestinian influence president Yasser Arafat to stop the capturing at Gilo – like three mortars yesterday that brought on some destruction but no injuries – and Israel will pull-out of Beit Jala.

International Minister Shimon Peres, backed by major Minister Ariel Sharon, last night taught Palestinian council president Yasser Arafat prevent the shooting at Gilo – such as three mortars yesterday evening that triggered some injury but no damage – and Israel will take out of Beit Jala.

Beit Jala, a mainly Christian place towards the south of Jerusalem, is nearly vacant of the inhabitants yesterday, following your Israel Defense Forces used the northeast neighborhood regarding the Palestinian town, which faces Gilo. Read More Israel: We’re Going To Create Beit Jala if Shooting Quits. Overseas Minister Shimon Peres, backed by Major Minister Ariel Sharon,