Public records let you know this new extent that Demand Abolition’s investment emerged with chain connected for Queen Condition prosecutors

Public records let you know this new extent that Demand Abolition’s investment emerged with chain connected for Queen Condition prosecutors

For the a job interview, Satterberg, the Queen Condition prosecuting lawyer, said that the financing out of Consult Abolition was just a small percentage of his annual budget and didn’t have any perception towards the their prosecutorial make.

Inside her email address detailing as to why she desired to use the label intercourse trafficking, the newest agent, Quarterly report Asbury, penned, �Deleting the records so you’re able to intercourse trafficking often harm all of our capacity to simply take reporters’ focus

This new economic relationship between Demand Abolition and Seattle law enforcement was laid bare by public records requests, but the group’s reach extends far beyond King County. Demand Abolition has also provided millions of dollars in funding to law enforcement agencies and other organizations in local jurisdictions around the country, including Boston, Chicago (a part of Cook County, whose Sheriff’s office received $92,145 in funding from Demand Abolition between 2014 and 2016), Denver, Oakland (a part of Alameda County), Houston, and Dallas, according to tax documents. These cities conducted undercover stings of men who were attempting to buy sex. The headline of a 2017 press release from saskatoon sugar daddy one of the sheriff’s annual stings reads, �National Sex Trafficking Sting Nets over 1,000 sex buyers and pimps/traffickers.� Yet out of 81 sex workers or �victims� recovered, only six were underage and thus considered trafficking victims according to federal law. Read More Public records let you know this new extent that Demand Abolition’s investment emerged with chain connected for Queen Condition prosecutors