Relatives matchmaking: Young and you will the elderly have a tendency to feel far more partner-relevant stress than perform midlife grownups

Relatives matchmaking: Young and you will the elderly have a tendency to feel far more partner-relevant stress than perform midlife grownups

Erikson understood that really work and nearest and dearest matchmaking could be incompatible as a result of the financial obligation and you may requirements each and every, however, the guy thought it was full a positive developmental day

According to Erikson, midlife adults face the fresh drama away from generativity against. stagnation. Predicated on Erikson (1982) generativity encompasses procreativity, efficiency, and you will invention. That it stage includes the new age bracket of the latest beings, services, and this new info, including thinking-generation concerned with further label invention. Read More Relatives matchmaking: Young and you will the elderly have a tendency to feel far more partner-relevant stress than perform midlife grownups