Simon are Negan’s best-hands son, additionally the a couple of has actually a powerful dating

Simon are Negan’s best-hands son, additionally the a couple of has actually a powerful dating

Regarding conflict, Dwight are seriously interested in render Negan down and you may Negan enjoying Dwight during the large admiration totally blinds him to the fact that Dwight is the Militia’s spy. Sooner not, Dwight reveals himself in order to Laura and you may she subsequently reveals your to help you Negan. Negan was significantly disgusted within Dwight’s betrayal however he decides to keep your live so as that him to look at brand new Troops rating missing as a result of your passageway her or him not true information and this he might one day getting helpful so you can him again. Read More Simon are Negan’s best-hands son, additionally the a couple of has actually a powerful dating