Gottman Partners Therapy: Reconstructing The Matchmaking House

Gottman Partners Therapy: Reconstructing The Matchmaking <a href="">kody promocyjne geek2geek</a> House

It is pure so you’re able to argue otherwise disagree along once when you look at the a little while. Yet not, when you find yourself attacking together with your companion, and you may shedding regard on the other, it is time to target the challenge earlier gets worse. That is precisely why Gottman partners cures approach was made.

John Gottman, Ph.D., try a properly-prominent researcher who invested 40 years reading couples throughout their lifespan–from their first date up until its advancing years age. Next to their other psychologist and you will spouse, Julie Gottman, the guy created an unit the guy calls Gottman Means for Couples Medication. Having fun with look-mainly based interventions, Gottman couples treatment gives you along with your spouse to change your own interaction and you will function with the difficulties that most perception the dating.

The analysis John Gottman with his spouse Julie held went just like the follows: They would invite couples from the stages from lifestyle on the “like research,” an apartment especially built to perform its lookup. John manage checklist almost all their relationships, out of early morning to-night. For every partners also wore monitoring equipment to measure their heartbeat and you will gave volunteer blood examples. Read More Gottman Partners Therapy: Reconstructing The Matchmaking House

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