Defensive Communication: For the protective correspondence, one feels endangered or needs chances out-of anyone else, and you will acts defensively

Defensive Communication: For the protective correspondence, one feels endangered or needs chances out-of anyone else, and you will acts defensively

Virginia Satir into the 1976 noted how much out of observable disease choices may be conceived once the four problematic otherwise defensive correspondence appearance, hence ilies where solid thoughts is refused and never demonstrably presented. Speaking of blaming, placating, sidetracking and you will calculating.

He/she excessive considers just how he/she seems to other people, exactly how he/she can be viewed a lot more definitely, just how the guy/she get profit, control, charm or avoid discipline, and/otherwise how the guy/she get end or mitigate a thought assault (Gibb, 1961)

Blaming was characterized by judging, contrasting, moaning and you will seeking fault, if you’re doubt a person’s individual role on disease, in fact it is regularly end providing obligation to have fixing argument. Read More Defensive Communication: For the protective correspondence, one feels endangered or needs chances out-of anyone else, and you will acts defensively