Miller ’51, attained an effective BA regarding Reed inside physics

Miller ’51, attained an effective BA regarding Reed inside physics

Helen Good. Bennett MacTarnaghan 39

Helen Good. Bennett MacTarnaghan ’39, , when you look at the Harbor Area, California. Helen went to Reed having a year, searching an effective bachelor’s studies when you look at the French from Willamette University. She married John T. MacTarnaghan ’37, and they got one or two youngsters. Later on, she gained a great master’s degree inside library technology out-of Immaculate Heart College inside Los angeles, and you may did while the chief technical librarian into the You.S. Heavens Push Room and you may Missiles System Head office Collection when you look at the El Seg., California, and as a beneficial librarian to your Town of Inglewood, California.

Herman F. Mader thirty six

Herman Honest Mader ’36, . Herman received good BA away from Reed into the biochemistry. The guy earned a PhD in the College off Arizona in the 1943. Their dissertation worried a study of the brand new hydrogen ties inside the acetaldoxime. A young people pal, Herc Battilega, recalled Herman knowledge him to construct a crystal place radio, and you will realized that their friend ended up being effective given that a teacher otherwise toxins professional for the Oregon and you may Ca.

Joan Moos 47

Joan Rosenbaum Moos ’47, pton, Massachusetts, away from metastatic breast cancer. After receiving an effective BA for the biology out of Reed and you can an excellent PhD within the zoology from Columbia School inside the Nyc when you look at the 1955, Joan moved to Evanston, Illinois, together partner, Carl Moos, right after which so you can Buffalo, Nyc, inside 1959. Read More Miller ’51, attained an effective BA regarding Reed inside physics